Last Chance


Ritten - Renon (Alto Adige / Südtirol) rock

Last Chance ist eine sechsköpfige Band aus Bozen/ Südtirol - Norditalien. Der Ursprung der Band liegt bereits im Jahr 2015, wo einige Mitglieder bereits als Schulband erste Töne im Proberaum spielten. Damals wurden auch schon einige wenige Cover- Konzerte in den lokalen Clubs gespielt. 2018 entschied die Band, ihren eigenen Stil zu schaffen und wagte erstmals den Schritt des Songwritings. Dabei entstand ein völlig neuer Musikstil: - ein Mix aus Alternative Rock und Poprock mit verzerrten Gitarren, Heavy Drums und Ambient Keyboard/Synthesizer - Sounds. Das Alleinstellungsmerkmal dabei: Die weibliche Lead- Stimme. 2019 wurde die erste Single “Resist” veröffentlicht, mit deren Demo- Aufnahme der zweite Platz bei der Rocknet Academy belegt werden konnte. In der darauffolgenden Zeit konnte Last Chance eine Menge an Bühnenerfahrung auf Südtirols größten Bühnen sammeln. Unter anderem performte die Band, mit ihren damals noch sehr jungen Mitgliedern auf dem Rock im Ring Festival und konnte auf dem zweitgrößten Festival des Landes stark von sich überzeugen. In dieser Zeit durfte Last Chance Bühnen mit Bands wie Royal Republic, Electric Callboy, Enter Shikari und Sepultura teilen. Im Jahr 2022 begab sich Last Chance erstmals auf Tour. Im Frühling des Jahres wurden wieder erste Konzerte gespielt und man bereitete sich organisatorisch und spielerisch auf die selbstorganisierte, unabhängige “Not our Fate - Tour” vor. Höhepunkt dabei war der Auftritt als zweiter Headliner beim Sound Escape Festival. Im Spätsommer 2022 wurden 11 Konzerte in Südtirol, Nordtirol und Ostösterreich gespielt. Zeitgleich wurde auch die zweite Single der Band veröffentlicht: “All Along”. Im anschließenden Winter begab sich Last Chance wieder ins Studio und konnte Anfang 2023 zwei weitere Singles releasen: “Run” und “Rulez”. Durch die vorgelegten Songs verschaffte sich Last Chance wieder tolle Auftrittsmöglichkeiten in Süd- und Nordtirol, welche wieder mit einer kleinen Herbsttour abgerundet wurden. Nun arbeitet Last Chance mit höchster Motivation an ihrer Debüt-EP, welche bestenfalls Mitte 2024 erscheinen sollte.


"Rulez"     Ascolta


Ziel der Band ist es, mit ihrer Musik, ein Zufluchtsort für alle Menschen zu sein. Dabei verbreiten sie stets ihre Message: ‘Cause every good moment matters!’


  • Noah Platter
  • Tobias Pfeifhofer
  • Tobias Vigl
  • Jakob Schweigkofler
  • Lea Pellegrin
  • Felix Gostner

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Statement on the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

The data controller is Leitmotiv, who states that the data acquired in this manner will be handled as follows:

  • it will be used to comply with current requests for information/acquistion/registration until completed and for no other purpose.
  • it will be held in the company archives with no deadline, until independent cancellation by the user, voluntary cancellation by the Controller or an explicit request for cancellation by the user.
  • it will be held on behalf of the Controller by KUMBE, the Controller’s maintainer for digital services, on the cloud server and related backup, in turn managed in compliance with the GDPR for the entire term of the contract with the Controller – who may dispose of it at any time – and until its subsequent cancellation.
  • it will not be assigned to third parties; it will not be used for marketing campaigns except if concurrently authorized for such purposes.
  • the user will have a profile created based pon the information contained therein and the data may be used for statistical processing.
  • the complete privacy policy may be found at the link For information or requests, you may write to the following electronic mail address:



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Statement on the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

The data controller is Leitmotiv, who states that the data acquired in this manner will be handled as follows:

  • it will be used to comply with current requests for information/acquistion/registration until completed and for no other purpose.
  • it will be held in the company archives with no deadline, until independent cancellation by the user, voluntary cancellation by the Controller or an explicit request for cancellation by the user.
  • it will be held on behalf of the Controller by KUMBE, the Controller’s maintainer for digital services, on the cloud server and related backup, in turn managed in compliance with the GDPR for the entire term of the contract with the Controller – who may dispose of it at any time – and until its subsequent cancellation.
  • it will not be assigned to third parties; it will not be used for marketing campaigns except if concurrently authorized for such purposes.
  • the user will have a profile created based pon the information contained therein and the data may be used for statistical processing.
  • the complete privacy policy may be found at the link For information or requests, you may write to the following electronic mail address:

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La Prima Volta by gabbbrielll [Band Schedule]
Friedn by Rubinho [Band Schedule]
Al confine by Le Mosche di Miyagi [Band Schedule]
Calma by Leon [Band Schedule]
Honey by Pheromones [Band Schedule]
Neptune Showers by Mr_Selecta (Keetothefuture) [Band Schedule]
Da Wolf by Patchwork Family [Band Schedule]
Mama Was Happy by san San [Band Schedule]
Rising by Yellow Brick Road [Band Schedule]
A Bird of Passage by Echoes [Band Schedule]
Someone To Blame by Since11 [Band Schedule]
F<3k Boy by Nadia Riswan [Band Schedule]
Good day for a breakdown by Heating Cellar [Band Schedule]
The Inn by Constance Cretier [Band Schedule]
MONEYMAN by Vermillion [Band Schedule]
Stories told by MARIANNA [Band Schedule]
stai zitto by Laurence [Band Schedule]
Elfbar Violett (feat. ayjay) by HERM3S [Band Schedule]
Wie du gehst by Tizzie [Band Schedule]
L\'ULTIMO PONTE TIBETANO by marte [Band Schedule]
Schiffbruch by Pelunitschers [Band Schedule]
papa\' by Gipsy Luca  [Band Schedule]
La Rivoluzione Industriale e le sue Conseguenze – Indecifrabile by La Rivoluzione Industriale e le sue Conseguenze  [Band Schedule]
Lascia perdere tutto by Stefano Rossi [Band Schedule]
ROCKMAN by Angelica Roccabruna [Band Schedule]
Concrete Sidewalk by Spencer Valery [Band Schedule]
Oceani by PKR [Band Schedule]
The realm of the jellyfish by BlindApex  [Band Schedule]
Ich nehm dich mit <3 by Fratelli Stonati [Band Schedule]
ABRACADABRA by JCX [Band Schedule]
SCELTE DA GRANDI by Fresko [Band Schedule]
Resta con me by Dafne [Band Schedule]
Mugwumps Record by The Pigeon Boys [Band Schedule]
People by Nina Duschek [Band Schedule]
Mostrami by ThalisMani [Band Schedule]
Tage in Gedanken by Klebstoff [Band Schedule]
Children by Level [Band Schedule]
say goodbye by seasons&colors [Band Schedule]
HAH (Laughter\'s My Religion) by Bianca [Band Schedule]
Oh Baby by jakuba feat. keep love [Band Schedule]
Chissà by Maitea [Band Schedule]
nicht besser by IGERL [Band Schedule]
Downstream by MadMedulla [Band Schedule]
La vita distante by Malinferno [Band Schedule]
Bad boy by Son Devil [Band Schedule]
Back in Life by Raphael Heinrich  [Band Schedule]
Immagine by Astio [Band Schedule]
Dimmi se by Valerio Basilio [Band Schedule]
0 by modeon [Band Schedule]
Amsterdam by ANIMO [Band Schedule]
Breath Again by Bene [Band Schedule]
Il fiume della vita by Gota [Band Schedule]
When I\'m Gone by HENC [Band Schedule]
Outdated Sentiments by EliasHuemerProject [Band Schedule]
Crawling Through Flesh by Demonicera [Band Schedule]
no one there by minda [Band Schedule]
systemblues by damark [Band Schedule]
testo dopo testo by Dana Tempesta [Band Schedule]
Schöne Wörter by Joseph Böhm [Band Schedule]
Star Child by Aylin [Band Schedule]
Just A Game by TMP [Band Schedule]
Baby by PIXII [Band Schedule]
Sarà bello by Davide Prezzo [Band Schedule]
Poor Ellen Smith by Rusty Bucks [Band Schedule]
Sick of it by Taeva [Band Schedule]
Acqua Amara by EmilioParanoico [Band Schedule]
Tell Me by undertone [Band Schedule]
Deadly sharp caress by Kinder Big Muff [Band Schedule]
Rose Drives by Cheyenne [Band Schedule]
Outdated sentiments by EliasHuemerProject [Band Schedule]
Week by Ariel Trettel [Band Schedule]
Pianeta dei Fiori by TESSA KAI [Band Schedule]
Gentle Eyes by David Kovacevic [Band Schedule]
Feel Like a Rolling Stone by Ok, Rose. [Band Schedule]
Konfusione (live) by Kasado Project [Band Schedule]
Disoccupato by TUSABES [Band Schedule]
Vuota, finita, fumata by sara kane [Band Schedule]
HURBINEK by Affanno. [Band Schedule]
Ich glaub, ab morgen bin ich fast okay by Taubsii [Band Schedule]
Labirinto Blue by Blue Tortugas [Band Schedule]
Butterflying Opinions by Vera Gsenger [Band Schedule]
Warning by Light Whales [Band Schedule]
Quando sei qua (Berlino EST) by Supraphonic [Band Schedule]
L\'uomo di latta by Atop the Hill [Band Schedule]
Mai by iando [Band Schedule]
America by Alessandro Chesini [Band Schedule]
NUOVO ORDINE by alexander frizzera [Band Schedule]
Seven Years From Now by Tom Joseph [Band Schedule]
Denti by Maude [Band Schedule]
Je ne veux rien by C.Måtzn [Band Schedule]
Against War by Spliff Machine [Band Schedule]
Joke A Lot by Nathan Rice [Band Schedule]
intro by Yin [Band Schedule]
Sponde by MEDAGLIA [Band Schedule]
Rainy Morning by rico  [Band Schedule]
Sognare ancora by Veronica Klavzar [Band Schedule]
Inchiostro by Crinemia [Band Schedule]
Maniche Larghe by SUPERMARKET [Band Schedule]
Queen Atara ft nature Ellis- never mislead me by Queen Atara  [Band Schedule]
Cicatrice by XESSE [Band Schedule]
I am a man by Michael Voegele [Band Schedule]
Mind Chatter by eMi [Band Schedule]
Think Tanks by MIM [Band Schedule]
Træįntəïn by PERA [Band Schedule]
Centomila by ILPALESECHEAMO [Band Schedule]
Ancient Roots by Coercion [Band Schedule]
People Pleaser by Hyppoch [Band Schedule]
Out Of Control by Eighth Pyramid [Band Schedule]
Sailors by Mahroots [Band Schedule]
FEEL IT by ULTRAVIOLET [Band Schedule]
Affogare nel cemento by Ekbom [Band Schedule]
happy now by the fever week [Band Schedule]
Vestito blu by Faultier [Band Schedule]
old men by maeko [Band Schedule]
AMBIENTE by Geri Pascal [Band Schedule]
Fading Away by Schatz Manu & die üblichen Verdächtigen [Band Schedule]
In Need Calm by Erik Holena [Band Schedule]
LOKI BALBOA by Loki  [Band Schedule]
Inerme, impassibile by flowers&shelters [Band Schedule]
GGG by Morning Woods [Band Schedule]
Colorful Timbres by Timbreroots [Band Schedule]
New Fears by HRTBRKR [Band Schedule]
Träne by XAV [Band Schedule]
Il Bersaglio by EroInHead  [Band Schedule]
FDC (flusso di coscienza) by sgrembolsample [Band Schedule]
War, Ignorance, Slavery by Alex Calliari [Band Schedule]
Nia Plu by MADAX [Band Schedule]
XTSY by EXOCORE [Band Schedule]
BastaA by Stefano Eccher [Band Schedule]